Percentage of serial killers by gender
Percentage of serial killers by gender

percentage of serial killers by gender

Adopting the same method as Taylor, Lambeth, Green, Bone and Cahillane's 2012 study, 52 crime scene criteria were used to categorise the murders committed by 25 male European and 25 male North-American serial killers. This study explores the application of the FBI's organised-disorganised classification to North-American and European male serial killers. ill, elderly (24) Arson (37) Poisoned (50) Weapon planned (12) Torture (25) Killer mobile/transit (38) Murdered outdoors (51) Body not moved (13) Mutilation (26) Body transported (39) Killer stable (52). blindfold (42) Intoxication (4) Targeted group/person (17) Multiple stabbing (30) Bondage used (43) Controlled scene (5) Victim a relative (18) Trophy taken (31) Staging (44) Stranger targeted (6) Quick kill (19) Ritual aspect (32) Body disposal (45) Sudden violence (7) Shooting (20) Injuries to sexual areas (33) Process focused (46) Chaotic scene (8) Rape (21) Sexualised body position (34) Act processed (47) Aggressive acts (9) Removal of body parts (22) Murdered indoors (35) Destruction of body (48) Necrophilia (10) Strangulation (23) Signs of beating (36) Removal of sex organs (49) Weapon left at scene (11) Vulnerable victim i.e. Restraints used (1) Weapon improvised (14) Unclothed body (27) Disconnection from the crime scene (40) Spontaneous event (2) Physical evidence present (15) Penetration with foreign object (28) Dehuminisation of body (41) Victim known (3) Gagging (16) Body exposed (29) Covering of face i.e.

percentage of serial killers by gender

Implications of these findings for law enforcement, forensic psychology and profiling are discussed.

percentage of serial killers by gender

It is concluded that though currently accepted hypotheses still hold in general, the melting pot trend of the modern society towards diversity and interdependence leads to far more complex a picture of serial killers than previously thought. The issues of prior charges, military service, marital status, criminal organisation, modus operandi and psychiatric diagnosis are included in the analysis as well. The present paper focuses on validation of these hypotheses through the study of 21 serial killers (and their 97 victims), whose cases have been closed by arrest and finalised in terms of convictions and appeals. Currently it is generally accepted among members of the law enforcement community, forensic psychologists, criminologists and profilers that serial killers are mostly white males in their twenties and thirties of above average intelligence who usually commit intra-racial murders of strangers.

Percentage of serial killers by gender